Lessons on Change 3/23

Lesson 3: Define the scope and objectives.

The scope and objectives of the change define what will be changed,  how, when, and by whom. The objectives should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). The scope and objectives should also be aligned with the vision and the assessment of the current state, and they should be communicated clearly and consistently to all stakeholders.

Answering the question – ‘What won’t change?’ is just as important as saying what is going to happen.

The scope should be clear so everyone knows what’s happening. This is as critical as the impact assessment so the scope of the change is known to all. If the exact scope of change isn’t know completely – it’s ok to share what is known at this point, and what required further exploration and confirmation – this still clarifies the ‘known knowns’ and the ‘known unknowns’.


Lessons on Change 2/23